Source code for FEMpy.Mesh

Author: Benjamin Floyd

Generates all mesh information matrices.

from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

[docs]class Interval1D(object): """ Defines a one-dimensional mesh and associated information matrices. Create a mesh object defined from `left` to `right` with step size `h`. This object provides the information matrices describing the mesh (`P` and `T`) as well as the information matrices describing the finite element of type `basis_type` (`Pb` and `Tb`). Parameters ---------- left : float The left end point of the domain. right : float The right end point of the domain. h : float Mesh grid spacing. basis_type : {101, 'linear', 102, 'quadratic'} Finite element basis type. Can either be called as a integer code or a string identifier to indicate the type of basis function we are using. - 101, 'linear' : 1-dimensional, linear basis. - 102, 'quadratic' : 1-dimensional, quadratic basis. Attributes ---------- P : ndarray Information matrix containing the coordinates of all mesh nodes. T : ndarray Information matrix containing the global node indices of the mesh nodes of all the mesh elements. Pb : ndarray Information matrix containing the coordinates of all finite element nodes. Tb : ndarray Information matrix containing the global node indices of the finite element nodes. Examples -------- Automatically generate the boundary nodes. >>> from FEMpy import Interval1D >>> mesh = Interval1D(0, 1, 1/2, 'linear') >>> mesh.boundary_nodes array([0., 1.]) Get the vertices of the nth element. >>> from FEMpy import Interval1D >>> mesh = Interval1D(0, 1, 1/4, 'quadratic') >>> mesh.get_vertices(3) array([0.75, 1. ]) Show the number of elements in the interval. >>> from FEMpy import Interval1D >>> mesh = Interval1D(-1, 3, 1/8, 'quadratic') >>> mesh.num_elements_x 32 """ def __init__(self, left, right, h, basis_type): self._left = float(left) self._right = float(right) self._h1 = float(h) self._num_elements_x = int((self._right - self._left) / self._h1) if isinstance(basis_type, int): self._basis_type = _BASIS_ALIAS.get(basis_type, None) elif isinstance(basis_type, str): bstr = basis_type.lower() self._basis_type = _BASIS_ALIAS.get(bstr, None) else: raise TypeError('Basis type must be a string identifier or an integer code.') # Initialize the information matrices. # These will be updated when the user calls the generating functions. self.P = None self.T = None self.Pb = None self.Tb = None # Call the generators automatically self._generate_p_t_matrices() self._generate_pb_tb_matrices() self._generate_boundary_node_coords() @property def num_elements_x(self): """Returns the number of elements along the domain x-axis.""" return self._num_elements_x @property def boundary_nodes(self): """Returns the boundary node coordinates generated from the mesh.""" return self._boundary_node_coords
[docs] def get_vertices(self, n): """ Extracts the vertices of the mesh element `n`. Parameters ---------- n : int Mesh element index. Returns ------- ndarray The vertices of the mesh element `En`. """ return self.P[..., self.T[:, n]]
def _generate_p_t_matrices(self): """Generates the mesh node coordinate matrix `P` and the mesh node index matrix `T`.""" self.P = np.linspace(self._left, self._right, num=int(self._num_elements_x + 1)) self.T = np.array([np.arange(0, self._num_elements_x), np.arange(1, self._num_elements_x + 1)], dtype='int64') def _generate_pb_tb_matrices(self): """Generates the finite element coordinate matrix `Pb` and the finite element index matrix `Tb`.""" if self._basis_type == 101: # linear basis self.Pb = self.P self.Tb = self.T elif self._basis_type == 102: # quadratic basis num_basis_fns = 2 * self._num_elements_x + 1 self.Pb = np.array([self._left + (k - 1) * self._h1 / 2 for k in np.arange(1, num_basis_fns + 1)]) self.Tb = np.array([ [2 * n - 2 for n in np.arange(1, self._num_elements_x + 1)], [2 * n for n in np.arange(1, self._num_elements_x + 1)], [2 * n - 1 for n in np.arange(1, self._num_elements_x + 1)] ], dtype='int64') else: raise ValueError('Parameter: basis_type not recognized.') def _generate_boundary_node_coords(self): """Generates the boundary edge coordinates based on the mesh.""" self._boundary_node_coords = np.array([self._left, self._right])
[docs]class TriangularMesh2D(Interval1D): """ Defines a two-dimensional mesh with triangular elements and associated information matrices. Create a mesh object defined on the domain [`left`, `right] x [`bottom`, `top`] with step size `h1` in the x-direction and `h2` in the y-direction. This object provides the information matrices describing the mesh (`P` and `T`) as well as the information matrices describing the finite element of type `basis_type` (`Pb` and `Tb`). Parameters ---------- left : float The left edge point of the domain. right : float The right edge point of the domain. bottom : float The bottom edge point of the domain. top : float The top edge point of the domain. h1 : float Mesh grid spacing along x-direction. h2 : float Mesh grid spacing along y-direction. basis_type : {201, 'linear', 'linear2D_tri', 202, 'quadratic', 'quadratic2D_tri'} Finite element basis type. Can either be called as a integer code or a string identifier to indicate the type of basis function we are using. - 201, 'linear', 'linear2D_tri : 1-dimensional, linear basis on triangular elements. - 202, 'quadratic', 'quadratic2D_tri : 1-dimensional, quadratic basis on triangular elements. Attributes ---------- P : ndarray Information matrix containing the coordinates of all mesh nodes. T : ndarray Information matrix containing the global node indices of the mesh nodes of all the mesh elements. Pb : ndarray Information matrix containing the coordinates of all finite element nodes. Tb : ndarray Information matrix containing the global node indices of the finite element nodes. Examples -------- Automatically generate the boundary nodes and edges. >>> from FEMpy import TriangularMesh2D >>> mesh = TriangularMesh2D(0, 1, 0, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 'quadratic') >>> mesh.boundary_nodes array([[0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1., 1. , 1. , 1. , 1., 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.75, 0.5 , 0.25]]) >>> mesh.boundary_edges array([[0. , 0.5, 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.5, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0.5, 1. , 1. , 1. , 0.5]]) Get the number of elements in the x-axis and y-axis. >>> from FEMpy import TriangularMesh2D >>> mesh = TriangularMesh2D(0, 2, 0, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 'linear') >>> mesh.num_elements_x 4 >>> mesh.num_elements_y 2 """ def __init__(self, left, right, bottom, top, h1, h2, basis_type): # Make a quick adjustment to the basis type string identifiers to make them unique if isinstance(basis_type, str) and not basis_type.endswith('2D_tri'): basis_type += '2D_tri' self._bottom = float(bottom) self._top = float(top) self._h2 = float(h2) self._num_elements_y = int((self._top - self._bottom) / self._h2) self._num_mesh_nodes = 3 super().__init__(left, right, h1, basis_type) # Generate the boundary node and edge coordinates from the mesh self._generate_boundary_node_coords() self._generate_boundrary_edge_coords() @property def num_elements_y(self): """Returns the number of elements along the domain y-axis.""" return self._num_elements_y @property def boundary_edges(self): """Returns the boundary edge coordinates generated from the mesh.""" return self._boundary_edge_coords def _generate_p_t_matrices(self): """Generates the mesh node coordinate matrix `P` and the mesh node index matrix `T`.""" # Compute total number of mesh nodes _N_mesh = (self._num_elements_x + 1) * (self._num_elements_y + 1) # Generate the mesh coordinates yy, xx = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self._bottom, self._top, num=self._num_elements_y+1), np.linspace(self._left, self._right, num=self._num_elements_x+1), sparse=False, indexing='xy') self.P = np.vstack([xx.reshape(-1), yy.reshape(-1)]) # Initialize T matrix self.T = np.empty((3, int(2 * self._num_elements_x * self._num_elements_y)), dtype='int64') for row, col in product(range(int(self._num_elements_y)), range(int(self._num_elements_x))): # Compute the finite element index for the lower and upper triangular elements within each cell of elements lower_element_idx = int(col * 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 * row) upper_element_idx = int(col * 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 * row + 1) # Set up switch dictionary alpha_dict = { 0: {'lower_row_idx': row, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 1, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 1: {'lower_row_idx': row, 'lower_col_idx': col + 2, 'upper_row_idx': row, 'upper_col_idx': col + 2}, 2: {'lower_row_idx': row + 1, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 1, 'upper_col_idx': col + 2} } for alpha in range(int(self._num_mesh_nodes)): # Compute the global node index of the lower and upper element for the appropriate level of alpha lower_node_idx = ((alpha_dict[alpha]['lower_col_idx'] - 1) * (self._num_elements_y + 1) + alpha_dict[alpha]['lower_row_idx']) upper_node_idx = ((alpha_dict[alpha]['upper_col_idx'] - 1) * (self._num_elements_y + 1) + alpha_dict[alpha]['upper_row_idx']) self.T[alpha, lower_element_idx] = lower_node_idx self.T[alpha, upper_element_idx] = upper_node_idx def _generate_pb_tb_matrices(self): """Generates the finite element coordinate matrix `Pb` and the finite element index matrix `Tb`.""" if self._basis_type == 201: # linear basis self.Pb = self.P self.Tb = self.T elif self._basis_type == 202: # quadratic basis # Set the number of local nodes based on the basis type num_local_nodes = 6 # Generate the mesh coordinates yy, xx = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self._bottom, self._top, num=2 * self._num_elements_y + 1), np.linspace(self._left, self._right, num=2 * self._num_elements_x + 1), sparse=False, indexing='xy') self.Pb = np.vstack([xx.reshape(-1), yy.reshape(-1)]) # Initialize Tb matrix self.Tb = np.empty((num_local_nodes, int(2 * self._num_elements_x * self._num_elements_y)), dtype='int64') for row, col in product(range(int(self._num_elements_y)), range(int(self._num_elements_x))): # Compute the finite element index for the lower and upper triangular elements within # each cell of elements lower_element_idx = int(col * 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 * row) upper_element_idx = int(col * 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 * row + 1) # Set up switch dictionary alpha_dict = { 0: {'lower_row_idx': row + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 3 + (upper_element_idx - 2) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 1: {'lower_row_idx': row + 4 * self._num_elements_y + 2 + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 4 * self._num_elements_y + 2 + (upper_element_idx - 1) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 2: {'lower_row_idx': row + 2 + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 4 * self._num_elements_y + 4 + (upper_element_idx - 1) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 3: {'lower_row_idx': row + 2 * self._num_elements_y + 1 + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 + (upper_element_idx - 1) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 4: {'lower_row_idx': row + 2 * self._num_elements_y + 2 + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 4 * self._num_elements_y + 4 + (upper_element_idx - 2) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1}, 5: {'lower_row_idx': row + 1 + lower_element_idx / 2, 'lower_col_idx': col + 1, 'upper_row_idx': row + 2 * self._num_elements_y + 4 + (upper_element_idx - 2) / 2, 'upper_col_idx': col + 1} } for alpha in range(num_local_nodes): # Compute the global node index of the lower and upper element for the appropriate level of alpha lower_node_idx = ((alpha_dict[alpha]['lower_col_idx'] - 1) * (3 * self._num_elements_y + 2) + alpha_dict[alpha]['lower_row_idx']) upper_node_idx = ((alpha_dict[alpha]['upper_col_idx'] - 1) * (3 * self._num_elements_y + 2) + alpha_dict[alpha]['upper_row_idx']) self.Tb[alpha, lower_element_idx] = lower_node_idx self.Tb[alpha, upper_element_idx] = upper_node_idx def _generate_boundary_node_coords(self): """Generates the boundary node coordinates based on the mesh.""" # Set the step sizes based on the basis type if self._basis_type == 201: step_x = self._h1 step_y = self._h2 elif self._basis_type == 202: step_x = self._h1 / 2 step_y = self._h2 / 2 else: raise ValueError('Unknown basis type.') # Generate the coordinates along the domain edges bottom_x = np.arange(self._left, self._right + step_x, step=step_x) bottom_y = np.full_like(bottom_x, self._bottom) right_y = np.arange(self._bottom + step_y, self._top + step_y, step=step_y) right_x = np.full_like(right_y, self._right) top_x = np.arange(self._right - step_x, self._left - step_x, step=-step_x) top_y = np.full_like(top_x, self._top) left_y = np.arange(self._top - step_y, self._bottom, step=-step_y) left_x = np.full_like(left_y, self._left) x_coords = np.hstack([bottom_x, right_x, top_x, left_x]) y_coords = np.hstack([bottom_y, right_y, top_y, left_y]) self._boundary_node_coords = np.vstack([x_coords, y_coords]) def _generate_boundrary_edge_coords(self): """Generates the boundary edge coordinates based on the mesh.""" # Set our step size step_x = self._h1 step_y = self._h2 # Generate the coordinates along the domain edges bottom_x = np.arange(self._left, self._right + step_x, step=step_x) bottom_y = np.full_like(bottom_x, self._bottom) right_y = np.arange(self._bottom + step_y, self._top + step_y, step=step_y) right_x = np.full_like(right_y, self._right) top_x = np.arange(self._right - step_x, self._left - step_x, step=-step_x) top_y = np.full_like(top_x, self._top) left_y = np.arange(self._top - step_y, self._bottom, step=-step_y) left_x = np.full_like(left_y, self._left) x_coords = np.hstack([bottom_x, right_x, top_x, left_x]) y_coords = np.hstack([bottom_y, right_y, top_y, left_y]) self._boundary_edge_coords = np.vstack([x_coords, y_coords])
BasisInfo = namedtuple('BasisInfo', 'aka') _BASIS_TYPE = { 101: BasisInfo(aka=[101, 'linear']), 102: BasisInfo(aka=[102, 'quadratic']), 201: BasisInfo(aka=[201, 'linear2d_tri']), 202: BasisInfo(aka=[202, 'quadratic2d_tri']) } _BASIS_ALIAS = dict((alias, name) for name, info in _BASIS_TYPE.items() for alias in info.aka)