Source code for FEMpy.Assemblers

Author: Benjamin Floyd

Contains the matrix and vector assembler methods.

from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix

from .helpers import dbquad_triangle, basis_type_parser

[docs]def assemble_matrix(coeff_funct, mesh, trial_basis, test_basis, derivative_order_trial, derivative_order_test): """ Construct the finite element stiffness matrix. Meant to be used in a :class:`FEMpy.Solvers` `solve` method. Parameters ---------- coeff_funct : function Function name of the coefficient function `c(x(,y,...))` in a Poisson equation. mesh : {:class:`FEMpy.Mesh.Interval1D`, :class:`FEMpy.Mesh.TriangularMesh2D`} A :class:`Mesh` class defining the mesh and associated information matrices. trial_basis, test_basis : {:class: FEMpy.FEBasis.IntervalBasis1D, :class: FEMpy.FEBasis.TriangularBasis2D} A :class: `FEBasis` class defining the finite element basis functions for the trial and test bases. derivative_order_trial, derivative_order_test : int or tuple of int The derivative order to be applied to the finite element basis functions. If basis function is one-dimensional, this should be specified as an int. Otherwise, the derivative order should be specified as a tuple with the orders corresponding to the coordinate axes in the basis functions. e.g., ``(`x_order`, `y_order`,...)``. Returns ------- sparse matrix The finite element stiffness matrix as a row-based linked list sparse matrix. """ # Determine the size of the matrix num_equations, num_local_trial = basis_type_parser(trial_basis.basis_type, mesh) num_unknowns, num_local_test = basis_type_parser(test_basis.basis_type, mesh) # Initialize the matrix as a sparse, row-based linked list matrix. A = lil_matrix((num_equations, num_unknowns)) for n in range(mesh.T.shape[1]): # Generate the vertices for each element vertices = mesh.get_vertices(n).T for alpha, beta in product(range(num_local_trial), range(num_local_test)): # Set up our integrand def integrand(coords): return (coeff_funct(coords) * trial_basis.fe_local_basis(coords, vertices, basis_idx=alpha, derivative_order=derivative_order_trial) * test_basis.fe_local_basis(coords, vertices, basis_idx=beta, derivative_order=derivative_order_test)) # Integrate using adaptive Gaussian quadrature if test_basis.basis_type in [101, 102]: int_value = quad(integrand, a=vertices[0], b=vertices[1])[0] elif test_basis.basis_type in [201, 202]: int_value, _ = dbquad_triangle(integrand, vertices) else: raise ValueError('Unknown basis type') A[mesh.Tb[beta, n], mesh.Tb[alpha, n]] += int_value return A
[docs]def assemble_vector(source_funct, mesh, test_basis, derivative_order_test): """ Constructs the finite element load vector. Meant to be used in a :class:`FEMpy.Solvers` `solve` method. Parameters ---------- source_funct : function The nonhomogeneous source function `f(x(,y,...))` of the Poisson equation. mesh : {:class:`FEMpy.Mesh.Interval1D`, :class:`FEMpy.Mesh.TriangularMesh2D`} A :class:`Mesh` class defining the mesh and associated information matrices. test_basis : {:class: FEMpy.FEBasis.IntervalBasis1D, :class: FEMpy.FEBasis.TriangularBasis2D} A :class: `FEBasis` class defining the finite element basis functions for the test basis. derivative_order_test : int or tuple of int The derivative order to be applied to the finite element basis function. If basis function is one-dimensional, this should be specified as an int. Otherwise, the derivative order should be specified as a tuple with the orders corresponding to the coordinate axes in the basis functions. e.g., ``(`x_order`, `y_order`,...)``. Returns ------- ndarray The finite element load vector. """ # Determine the size of the vector num_unknowns, num_local_test = basis_type_parser(test_basis.basis_type, mesh) # Initialize the vector b = np.zeros(int(num_unknowns)) for n in range(mesh.T.shape[1]): # Extract the global node coordinates to evaluate our integral on vertices = mesh.get_vertices(n).T for beta in range(num_local_test): # Set up our integrand def integrand(coords): return (source_funct(coords) * test_basis.fe_local_basis(coords, vertices=vertices, basis_idx=beta, derivative_order=derivative_order_test)) # Integrate using adaptive Gaussian quadrature if test_basis.basis_type in [101, 102]: int_value = quad(integrand, a=vertices[0], b=vertices[1])[0] elif test_basis.basis_type in [201, 202]: int_value, _ = dbquad_triangle(integrand, vertices) else: raise ValueError('Unknown basis type') b[mesh.Tb[beta, n]] += int_value return b